Databases are the new Dataframes

Not really, but join me in a thought experiment.

Imagine you wanted to do some data analysis, but also wanted to avoid importing any external libraries into Python. This is not just an academic exercise. A large part of the challenge of working in Python is managing dependencies, environments, and breaking updates. Sticking with base Python and the libraries it ships with would make your code considerably more robust and lower maintenance.

We can do exactly this with SQLite3. To demonstrate how we would ingest a csv to a Dataframe will use the most excellent Palmer Penguins Data Set1.

Illustrated Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adelie Penguins

Artwork by @allison_horst

Created by Allison Horst, Alison Hill, and Kristen Gorman, using raw data collected by Kristen Gorman, the simplified version has eight columns of data on 344 individual penguins. For this example, we'll assume that the data has already been downloaded from this URL to a local file named penguins.csv.

In the time honored tradition of all cooking websites, I put the actual recipe at the end. If that’s what you’re looking for, skip to the bottom. In the meantime, there are some interesting pieces I want to shine a light on.

This example will extend the first database we created in this post and take advantage of the improved mental model we outlined in this post. Thanks to the foundation we've built, the basic structure will be familiar. Again, in keeping with tradition, I will first tell a long winded story about each ingredient.


Schema is the official database word for how our table is laid out. In its full glory, there are a lot of things a schema can cover, like which columns allow NULL values, and which columns are likely to be linked to by other tables. But for our purposes, we’re just interested in the name of each column and the type of data it is expected to contain. This is enough to create a table and prepare it to accept our penguin data.

SQLite has a few basic data types to choose from.

Other flavors of SQL have a richer collection of types, but really these are enough to do 95% of everything we need.

Before creating our table, we have to look at our data and understand it well enough to know what each column means and what type of data we want it to have. This step is worth taking your time on. If anyone else ends up using your database (including a future of you) naming a column well will save them frustration and heartbreak.

    species TEXT,
    island TEXT,
    bill_length_mm REAL,
    bill_depth_mm REAL,
    flipper_length_mm REAL,
    body_mass_g REAL,
    sex TEXT,
    year INTEGER)

Also, the decision of which data type to use is not always straightforward. A classic example of this is money, dollars and cents in the US. It has a decimal place, so it seems that it should obviously be a REAL value. But if you calculate interest and come up with a fractional cent, what does that even mean? To avoid confusion should we represent money as an INTEGER number of cents? I assume there are some detailed accounting rules for how to handle this in our modern era, but I want to illustrate that this is a potentially deep topic. Any amount of time you spend thinking through how your data will be used and how it should be best represented to facilitate that use, will be worth it ten times over.


The next step is mechanical. Using established Python processes we can open the csv and read it in one row at a time. The format we need it to be in is a list of rows, where each row is a list of the values in each column. (Nerd note: Representing each row as a tuple will also work and is more consistent with the philosophy of the tuple and list data types.)

with open("penguins.csv", "rt") as penguin_file:
    reader = csv.reader(penguin_file)
    rows = list(reader)


Ingestion is the fancy database word for grabbing your data from somewhere and sucking it into the database, getting it safely tucked away where it can be found and retrieved quickly. It’s also the technical word for what a toddler does with goldfish crackers.

The convenient command that ingests our list of lists is executemany(). It automatically iterates over our list of rows and loads each one into the database. We call it with a "?" placeholder for every column. This tells the VALUES command how many column values to look for in the data.

    INSERT INTO penguins VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
""", rows)

Using the question mark is an important part of this. It’s possible to do clever Python string substitution, and explicitly write the values to be ingested into the SQL query. But this is a bad, bad thing. If you are using data that someone else generated, and that someone wanted to be a real jerk, they could hand craft data that looks like SQL commands. If your Python script substitutes that data in verbatim, then your database will do whatever your adversary wants. They could change values, add rows, delete rows, or even delete the whole database. This is called a SQL injection attack, and it’s definitely not something you want to experience firsthand.

xkcd 327, Exploits of a Mom. Did you really name your son Robert; DROP TABLE students; --?
            Oh yes. Little Bobby Tables we call him.

xkcd comic #327 by Randall Munroe

Fortunately, using the "?" placeholder allows SQLite to use its built-in checks to prevent this. The question marks are your security guards.


The final piece is a commit() statement. So far everything we’ve done to the database is just a rough draft. If we close the database and open it up again, it will be as if we never ingested anything. To make it permanent we need to add a final stamp of approval, and if you have commitment issues, now is the time to face them.


That wraps up the bits that we haven’t covered in previous posts. The rest hopefully looks familiar. Here’s the whole concoction when it’s been mixed together and baked for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

import csv
import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect("penguins.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()
    species TEXT,
    island TEXT,
    bill_length_mm REAL,
    bill_depth_mm REAL,
    flipper_length_mm REAL,
    body_mass_g REAL,
    sex TEXT,
    year INTEGER)

with open("penguins.csv", "rt") as penguin_file:
    reader = csv.reader(penguin_file)
    rows = list(reader)
    cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO penguins VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", rows)

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM penguins")

1 Horst AM, Hill AP, Gorman KB (2020). palmerpenguins: Palmer Archipelago (Antarctica) penguin data. R package version 0.1.0. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3960218.