Where to learn Python
The courses I offer assume you are already comfortable with the basics of Python. I don't have any Python-specific tutorials, but there are a lot out there already. Based on my informal polling of data scientists, here are some great places to pick up the fundamentals.
Getting ready
If this is your first time learning a computer language, there are some foundation pieces, like using the command line, that will help you get started. e2eML Course 111 covers these for working on a Mac. (A future course will cover the PC.)
I took a look at this material and presentation and resonated with it. Also, it was described to me by a student as an experience that "totally changed my life."
- Dr. Chuck's (Prof. Charles Severance) Python for Everybody is free. There is an accomanying book with the same title.
- Coursera offers a more official version. It includes the videos from the free course, but with the addition of extra readings, quizzes, and a certificate.
Also recommended
There were lots of other courses and programs that come highly recommended by former students. Courses that received multiple recommendations are nearer the top, but I haven't looked closely at these, so other than that they are in no particular order.
- Al Sweigart published Automate the Boring stuff. Available through multiple channels: e-book, printed book, and Udemy course.
- edX offers Python for data science and Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, taught by Eric Grimson.
- Coursera's course on Introduction to interactive programming in Python
- Kaggle offers an online Python course based on Jake Vanderplas' Whirlwind Tour of Python
- Code Academy's Python course series
- Software Carpentry offers a Programming with Python course
- Udacity's course on Introduction to Python programming
- Zed A. Shaw's book Learn Python the hard way
- Colt Steele's Udemy course Modern Python3 boot camp
- Brian Godsey's book Think like a data scientist
- Lynda.com has a variety of course offerings
- Learn X in Y minutes has a useful set of examples in Python3
- TutorialsPoint's Python tutorial
- SoloLearn offers a Python tutorial
Finally, there is a wonderfully comprehensive list of courses at Data Sci Guide, run by Renee Teate. You can rate courses you've taken, or search for new ones on Python or any one of many other topics.